| International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination | |  |
| World Poetry Day | |  |
| World Down Syndrome Day | |  |
| International Day of Forests | |  |
| Nowruz | |  |
| Harmony Day | |  |
| Independence Day | |  |
| Human Rights Day | |  |
| National Common Courtesy Day | |  |
| National Countdown Day | |  |
| National Single Parent Day | |  |
| National Fragrance Day | |  |
| National California Strawberry Day | |  |
| National French Bread Day | |  |
| International Nowruz Day | |  |
| Martyrdom of Imam Ali | |  |
| Mother's Day | |  |
| World Vermouth Day | |  |
| National Healthy Fats Day | |  |
| National Crunchy Taco Day | |  |
| World Puppetry Day | |  |
| Slytherin Pride Day | |  |
| World Water Day | |  |
| National Goof Off Day | |  |
| National Bavarian Crepes Day | |  |
| Emancipation Day | |  |
| Nowruz Holiday | |  |
| As Young As You Feel Day | |  |
| Nowruz | |  |
| Gryffindor Pride Day | |  |
| Day Of The Sea | |  |
| World Meteorological Day | |  |
| Pakistan Day | |  |
| Puppy Day | |  |
| National Chia Day | |  |
| National Chip and Dip Day | |  |
| National Near Miss Day | |  |
| National Melba Toast Day | |  |
| Nowruz Holiday | |  |
| Birthday of the Sultan of Johor | |  |
| Southern Africa Liberation Day | |  |
| World Atheist Day | |  |
| Memorial Day | |  |
| World Tuberculosis Day | |  |
| International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims | |  |
| National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day | |  |
| St. Joseph's Day | |  |
| Otago Anniversary Day | |  |
| Commonwealth Covenant Day | |  |
| Nowruz Holiday | |  |
| National Cocktail Day | |  |
| National Cheesesteak Day | |  |
| Flatmate’s Day | |  |
| Greek Independence Day | |  |
| International Day of Remembrance of Slavery Victims and the Transatlantic Slave Trade | |  |
| International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members | |  |
| Feast of the Annunciation | |  |
| Struggle for Human Rights Day | |  |
| Independence Day | |  |
| Annunciation of the Lord | |  |
| International Waffle Day | |  |
| Anniversary of the Arengo | |  |
| National Lobster Newburg Day | |  |
| National Medal of Honor Day | |  |
| National Tolkien Reading Day | |  |
| National American Diabetes Association Alert Day | |  |
| Maryland Day | |  |
| Mother’s Day | |  |
| National Day of Life, Peace and Justice | |  |
| Make Up Your Own Holiday Day | |  |
| Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day | |  |
| Martyrs' Day | |  |
| Purple Day | |  |
| National Spinach Day | |  |
| National Nougat Day | |  |
| National Little Red Wagon Day | |  |
| Manatee Appreciation Day | |  |
| Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power) | |  |
| Laylat al-Qadr | |  |
| Wear A Hat Day | |  |
| American Red Cross Giving Day | |  |
| Armed Forces' Day | |  |
| National Scribble Day | |  |
| National Joe Day | |  |
| National Spanish Paella Day | |  |
| International Whisk(e)y Day | |  |
| World Theatre Day | |  |
| Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day | |  |