A Room Of One’s Own Day

A Room of One’s Own Day is a holiday that’s particularly important to writers but can be celebrated by everyone, everywhere. This holiday allows people to celebrate the fact that they have their own private space to write, dream, or simply think about one’s problems and triumphs.

It’s a holiday that has been around for a few years now and is most certainly inspired by an extended essay of the same name that was first published in September 1929. Although this essay had many points, one of its major points is that a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction. Having one’s own room is important to just about everyone, and that’s why we celebrate every January 25th.

The History of A Room of One’s Own Day

On March 25th, 1882, Adeline Virginia Woolf was born. She was the seventh of eight children born to Leslie Stephen and Julia Prinsep Jackson. Adeline began writing in 1900, and in 1912 she married Leonard Woolf. The two would set up Hogarth Press, which would be the publishing house that would release most of her work.

In 1929, her famous essay “A Room of One’s Own” was published. The main point of this essay was that women lacked the freedom of expression that men enjoyed. This piece also advocated for better education for women and advised women to find a space of their own if they wanted to write fiction. It would also set up principles that would inspire the feminist movement.

Some time a few years ago, the website Wellcat.com decided to create A Room of One’s Own Day. It has since slowly become more popular. Now it’s a holiday that a lot of people observe and one that brings attention to one important fact: everyone needs a space that they can call their own.

Some Quick Facts About Virginia Woolf

Below are some quick facts about Virginia Woolf that everyone celebrating A Room of One’s Own Day might want to learn more about. Let’s review the following points before continuing with how this holiday is observed.

  • Virginia Woolf worked as a night-school teacher.
  • She disliked the writing of James Joyce.
  • Her half-sister, Laura Stephen, was institutionalized in an asylum.

Observing Room of One’s Own Day

On this day, it’s important for people to find that special space that they can call their own. It’s also a day to discuss the importance of women’s access to education and the inequities in that access that currently exist. People can also spread the word about this holiday using the hashtag #RoomOfOnesOwnDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
January 25 Saturday
Next year (2026)
January 25 Sunday
Last year (2024)
January 25 Thursday
Education & Reading, Lifestyle