Anniversary Of The Declaration Of The Slovak Nation

The 30th of October is celebrated in Slovakia as the Anniversary of the Declaration of the Slovak Nation. This day is a memorial day that celebrates the date when the Slovaks officially joined Czechoslovakia following World War I. This date is observed as one of Slovakia’s Remembrance Days, but it is not an official public holiday.

Many businesses continue to operate according to their normal business hours, but there are official public events that take place. Many of the celebrations occur in the cities of Ružomberok and Martin.

The History of the Anniversary of the Declaration of the Slovak Nation

World War I was a time of great upheaval and resulted in the map of Europe undergoing radical changes. The Czechs had striven to be a country independent from the Austrians within the Austrian Empire, and the Slovaks wanted to be independent of the Kingdom of Hungary.

On October 28, 1918, the National Committee in Prague issued a law that established an independent Czechoslovak state. Two days later, a declaration of independence came from the Slovak National Council in Martin on October 30, 1918. The Martin Declaration, as it came to be known, adhered to the idea of a shared state between the Slovaks and the Czechs.

Observing the Anniversary of the Declaration of the Slovak Nation

One of the official celebrations on this day occurs at 11 am in front of the building where the Martin Declaration was signed. This begins with a wreath-laying ceremony that is followed by a military parade at Theater Square in Martin.

In both Martin and Ružomberok, there are cultural celebrations and flag-raising ceremonies as well. Although all of these official celebrations take place on this holiday, many businesses remain open for the day and operate under their normal schedules.

Where is it celebrated?
Slovakia (Observance)
When is it?
This year (2025)
October 30 Thursday
Next year (2026)
October 30 Friday
Last year (2024)
October 30 Wednesday