Battle Of Boyaca Day

The Battle of Boyaca Day is a holiday observed annually on August 7th that commemorates the Battle of Boyaca. This battle is considered the beginning of the independence of the northern part of South America and was fought between New Granadian and Spanish forces on August 7, 1819. The battle lasted for two hours, and the combined republican army of New Granadians carried the day. Winning this battle ensured the liberation of New Granada.

A Brief Overview of the Battle of Boyaca

Simón Bolívar began a campaign to end Spanish rule in New Granada in 1819, and his campaign culminated with the Battle of Boyaca. When Bolívar secured a marginal victory at the Battle of Vargas Swamp, both his army and the Spanish headed towards Bogotá, an area that was lightly defended. The capture of the capital by the Patriot Army would have cut off the advance of the republican army.

The Spanish took positions at the bridge over the Teatinos River, and the Spanish rearguard was still several kilometers behind. Simón Bolívar’s forces flanked the Spanish rearguard, while the Barcelona and Bravos de Paez battalions attacked the right flank. Several Spanish commanders were captured along with 1,600 Spanish troops.

Observing the Battle of Boyaca Day

This holiday is celebrated all over Colombia with festivals, special events, and parades. There are usually military processions and ceremonies that allow homage to be paid to fallen soldiers. In Bogotá, celebrations typically begin the previous day, owing to the fact that the annual carnival, which commemorates the city’s founding anniversary on August 6, 1538, begins.

Where is it celebrated?
Colombia (National holiday)
When is it?
This year (2025)
August 7 Thursday
Next year (2026)
August 7 Friday
Last year (2024)
August 7 Wednesday