Be An Angel Day
Be an Angel Day is a holiday observed annually on August 22nd that encourages everyone to be an “angel” in someone else’s life. It’s a day to show kindness to people, help where you can, and consider how your actions affect the lives of others.
It’s also a good day to express gratitude for the gifts you’ve received and to show the people in your life just how much they mean to you. This holiday has been around for the past 28+ years, and during that time, it has enabled people to positively impact the lives of others.
The History of Be an Angel Day
Be an Angel Day was created by Jayne Howard Feldman in 1993 to encourage people to be kind to one another. Since its creation, this holiday has become celebrated not only in the U.S. but also by people all over the world.
Some Interesting Facts About Kindness
Below are a few facts about kindness that we’ve learned and would like to share with everyone reading about this holiday.
Kindness has been shown to increase a person’s self-esteem and improve their mood.
Being kind to others can lower the giver’s blood pressure.
Being kind increases dopamine levels in the giver’s brain, which can give them feelings of well-being.
Observing Be an Angel Day
This holiday is simply observed by doing good for others. That’s all there is to it. It doesn’t matter how much you do either. If a person doesn’t have the money to help others, they can also give their time and appreciation.
Just be sure that while you’re celebrating this holiday, you use the hashtag #BeAnAngelDay to spread the word about this holiday far and wide. Let’s spread goodness, kindness, and giving all around the world.