Bifocals At The Monitor Liberation Day

Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day is a holiday designed to show compassion to those who are stuck having to use their bifocals to view their computer monitors. It’s a day when people are encouraged to be compassionate toward their coworkers who have enough problems with their eyesight that they must use bifocals at the monitor.

If you have family members or coworkers who wear bifocals while attempting to look at their computer monitors, be sure to show them some sympathy when this holiday rolls around on December 1st.

The History of Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day

This holiday was created by a website known for creating wacky and quirky holidays, and this website is called They created this holiday so that people could be compassionate toward their bifocal-impaired coworkers. We’re not exactly sure when this holiday was created, but we do know that it has been in existence for several years now.

Some Quick Facts About Bifocals

You didn’t expect us to talk about Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day without digging up some information about bifocals, did you? We just couldn’t resist finding out some quick facts about bifocals that we list below.

  • Bifocals handle not only distance but also close-up viewing.
  • Not all bifocals have a dividing line.
  • There are also bifocal contact lenses.
  • People’s vision changes throughout their lives.

Observing Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day

This is a holiday when people are encouraged to be sympathetic toward those who are busy trying to see their monitor while wearing their bifocals. Many people have problems seeing their monitor as well as they should, and perhaps this holiday is the perfect day for them to go out and get their eyes checked.

Once they’ve done that, or you’ve given your sympathies to a coworker wearing these glasses, it’s time to use the hashtag #BifocalsAtTheMonitorLiberationDay to spread the word about this holiday.

When is it?
This year (2025)
December 1 Monday
Next year (2026)
December 1 Tuesday
Last year (2024)
December 1 Sunday
Health & Body