Birth Of Ľudovít Ŝtúr Day

The Birth of Ľudovít Štúr Day is an observance day that falls on the 28th of October and commemorates Ľudovít Velislav Štúr, the leader of the Slovak national revival that took place in the 19th century. He’s also known as the creator of the modern Slovak language standard, a member of the Diet of the Hungarian Kingdom, a journalist, publisher, teacher, linguist, and philosopher.

He was also the organizer of the Slovak volunteer campaigns during the 1848 Hungarian Revolution. Although this is a holiday in Slovakia, it’s not a public holiday, and it’s not a day off for the general public. It’s also a day when schools and most businesses operate according to their normal schedules.

A Quick Biography of Ľudovít Velislav Štúr

Ľudovít Velislav Štúr was born on October 28th, 1815, in Zayugroic, Hungary, which is now modern-day Uhrovec, Slovakia. During the 1840s, he became a main figure in the Slovak national movement. As a Lutheran, he felt that the Czech language wasn’t suitable for carrying out a national Slovak campaign and that what was needed was a language that they could call their own.

For the basis of a literary language, the central Slovak dialect was chosen. However, Štúr’s codification was disapproved of by the Czechs and Ján Kollár. The Czechs saw it as an act of Slovak withdrawal from a common Czecho-Slovak nation. Most Slovak scholars approved of the codification of a Slovak language.

The ideas of a Slovak diet, schools, and autonomy of Slovakia within the greater Kingdom of Hungary occurred at the same time as the 1848 Hungarian Revolution. In May of 1848, the Requirements of the Slovak Nation were proclaimed at a public meeting in Liptovský Mikuláš. Ľudovít Velislav Štúr’s legacy is profound. His likeness has been featured on Czechoslovakian and Slovak banknotes throughout the 20th century.

Observing the Birth of Ľudovít Štúr Day

This holiday is mainly an academic one, with schools providing exhibitions on Štúr’s importance and with people visiting museums and other institutions to learn more about him.

Where is it celebrated?
Slovakia (Observance)
When is it?
This year (2025)
October 29 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
October 29 Thursday
Last year (2024)
October 29 Tuesday