Day Of Martyr Omar Al-Mukhtar

The Day of Martyr Omar Al-Mukhtar is a public holiday that’s observed annually in Libya on the 16th of September. This holiday is also known simply as Martyr’s Day. This day commemorates all of those who have lost their lives for the independence of Libya and is held on the anniversary of the execution of a resistance leader known as the “Lion of the Desert.”

This leader was Omar al-Mukhtar, who was skilled in the tactics and strategies of desert warfare and fought against the French colonial forces who attempted to invade Chad and southern Sudan at the beginning of the 20th century.

The History of the Day of Martyr Omar Al-Mukhtar

Omar al-Mukhtar Muhammad bin Farhat al-Manifi was born on August 20th, 1858, in the Ottoman Empire, and he led an armed struggle against the French colonial forces in 1900. When Rome declared Libya as an Italian colony in 1912, he became a hero of Libya and led an anti-colonial resistance.

Through these conflicts, he would be nicknamed “The Lion of the Desert,” and he fought against colonial occupation until he was captured on September 11th, 1931. After refusing to surrender to the Italians, he was executed in a town south of Benghazi known as Suluq on September 16th, 1931. Since then, and through current times, Mukhtar has become a symbol of resistance for resisting the Italian invasion.

Observing the Day of Martyr Omar Al-Mukhtar

All across Libya, Mukhtar’s image can be found on flags, pins, bumper stickers, and posters. There are also festivals and other events across the country. Because this is a public holiday, many businesses, schools, and non-essential government offices are closed for the day. Many people use this holiday to spend time with loved ones or to attend rallies or other public events.

Where is it celebrated?
Libya (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2025)
September 16 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
September 16 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
September 16 Monday