Day Of The Crepe

For anyone not familiar with crepes, they are thin pancakes made with flour, milk, eggs, and butter, usually cooked in a pan. These slim pancakes are believed to have originated in Brittany, France, and are a common sight in French households. They are also the subject of the Day of the Crepe—a holiday observed annually on February 2nd.

This day is associated with Candlemas in France—a Catholic holiday that commemorates the purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of Jesus Christ. In France, this holiday is known by several names, including Jour des Crepes, La Chandeleur, and Fête de la Lumière.

The History of Crepes

Ever wonder where crepes came from? If you have, then don’t worry because we know the history of these thin pancakes and would like to now share that information with everyone reading about the Day of the Crepe. Crepes date back to the 13th century in Brittany, France. It was there that a housewife seems to have made an interesting discovery while cooking porridge.

This 13th-century housewife accidentally dripped thin porridge onto a hot, flat cooktop. Since she wasn’t about to waste perfectly good food, she decided to serve it to her friends and family members in the community. Not long after, the art of making crepes caught on, and the rest is history. Nowadays, they are served in various ways. They can be made sweet or savory, filled with a variety of ingredients, or simply served with some fruit on top. They’re delicious and definitely worth celebrating on this holiday.

Observing Day of the Crepe

One way to celebrate this holiday is by making crepes—not only for yourself but also for friends and family members. Of course, Catholics will also want to celebrate this day by attending special Candlemas services and bringing their candles to church so that they can be blessed before being used for the rest of the year.

When is it?
This year (2025)
February 2 Sunday
Next year (2026)
February 2 Monday
Last year (2024)
February 2 Friday
Food & Drinks