Election Day

Election Day in the United States is an annual event established by law for the general elections of federal public officials. It is set by statute to fall on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November.

This means that the day usually falls between November 2nd and November 8th each year. It is a day when U.S. citizens can exercise their right to vote and hopefully elect the individuals who will create policies that work best for them.

Why Is Election Day Held On A Tuesday In November?

A common question people ask is why Election Day is held on a Tuesday in November. The answer is quite simple. During the 19th century, the U.S. was primarily an agrarian society, and Tuesday in November was deemed the best time for farmers to vote.

Elections during the spring and summer would interfere with the planting season, and early fall elections could conflict with the harvest. Late fall was chosen to avoid these issues. Tuesday was selected because it allowed people time to travel to the polls without conflicting with the market day, which was typically on a Wednesday.

Fun Facts About Election Day

If you’re looking for some fun facts about Election Day, read on because we have collected a few for your entertainment. These facts show that the topic of voting doesn’t have to be dull, especially when considering the long history of this activity.

  • Voting in elections predates the U.S. Constitution.
  • In 1758, George Washington spent his entire campaign budget on alcohol to persuade people to vote for him for the House of Burgesses.
  • When voting first started, it was often done by voice vote and was followed by a lot of drinking.

Observing Election Day (U.S)

This day is observed by U.S. citizens voting for their public officials at the local, state, and federal levels through the popular ballot. Every four years, on even-numbered years, the U.S. presidential elections are held across the country. How people vote varies due to local laws. Once you have voted, feel free to celebrate with friends and family.

Where is it celebrated?
When is it?
Next year (2026)
November 3 Tuesday
Last year (2024)
November 5 Tuesday