Endometriosis Awareness Week

Endometriosis Awareness Week is observed during the month of March, which also happens to be Endometriosis Awareness Month. This week and month raise awareness about a disorder where uterine tissue grows outside the uterus. This can cause menstrual irregularities, pain, cysts, and infertility.

It may require hormone therapy or surgery to treat. This condition affects almost 7 million women. Although there are current treatments for this condition, scientists are conducting research to try to expand treatment options, learn what causes this disorder, and eventually eradicate the condition altogether.

Hopefully, the raised profile of this disorder, thanks to this awareness week, will increase funding and, therefore, research into it.

The History of Endometriosis Awareness Week

In 1993, Mary Lou Ballweg and eight other women founded Endometriosis Awareness Week during an annual Endometriosis Association roundtable held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

She had started this association 13 years earlier, along with Carolyn Keith, and it would grow into one of the most successful endometriosis organizations in the world.

Nowadays, this association is located in almost 70 different countries around the world. Endometriosis Awareness Week was created to raise the profile of this organization as well as the profile of the disorder this organization represents.

After all, as awareness increases, so does research funding. A raised profile also helps women understand the symptoms of this disorder so they can receive current treatment in a timely fashion.

Observing Endometriosis Awareness Week

During this week, people are encouraged to take action. This can be done by women joining a support session to connect with women who have just been diagnosed with this condition or by simply spreading the word about this week to friends and family members.

People can also spread the word about it online using the hashtag #EndometriosisAwarenessWeek. Women can also call the Endometriosis Association to learn more about their options and the resources that might be available to them.

And since research into this disorder is ongoing, we encourage everyone to donate to a legitimate endometriosis research organization such as the Endometriosis Association or the Endometriosis Research Center.

If we all come together, then not only will women have the information they need to seek treatment when they notice symptoms of this disorder, but there will also be improved treatment options available as well.

When is it?
This year (2025)
March 4 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
March 4 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
March 4 Monday
Awareness & Cause, Health & Body