Fight Procrastination Day

We’ve all been there – trying to work from home but can’t put our phones down, or putting off that task because there are so many distractions. Well, Fight Procrastination Day might be just the tonic to fight the urge to not do what needs to be done. Next time you are scrolling instead of doing it, try to think of September 6th when others will be observing and practicing anti-procrastination ideas.

Origins Of Fight Procrastination Day

Although it is unclear as to how this day came about, there are some interesting theories about procrastination. Even the Greeks of 800 BC knew that procrastination could be a dangerous thing. Hesiod, the Greek poet, advised not to “put off your work until tomorrow and the day after.” Wise words indeed.

In fact, there is a whole history of procrastination that can be traced in literature. Geoffrey Chaucer, author of The Canterbury Tales, is another example. He quipped, “the good that you may do this day, do it, and delay it not until the morrow.” Still, as a man who had planned 100 Canterbury Tales, he only finished 24 at the time of his death at the age of around 56, in the year 1400. However, this is likely excusable since he wasn’t short of publications.

So, it is easy to see how procrastination has been an issue that we have faced throughout time, but now more than ever there seem to be so many distractions. It is hard to imagine the creatives of the past trying to finish a masterpiece while checking their social media accounts. There is something to be said for removing distractions altogether, although this is certainly easier said than done.

How To Observe Fight Procrastination Day

There are plenty of articles online about how to defeat procrastination, with useful tips in abundance. You can arm yourself with the ammunition to beat procrastination. For some people, it can be as simple as writing a list of all the tasks that need to be done and ticking them off one by one. Others may find that locking themselves out of social media for a while or deleting certain distracting apps can help get things done.

There is nothing wrong with asking for help. Being held accountable can be a good thing, and once you know someone is waiting for an update on your task list, it can be motivating. In fact, there is nothing like an impending deadline to get you focused.

Sometimes, large tasks can seem overwhelming; this is why a lot of people procrastinate and put off what needs to be done. This is where breaking it down into smaller, more manageable tasks helps. Some people worry that anything less than perfection is not enough. Once we can detach from this belief, it becomes easier to fight procrastination.

Using the hashtag #FightProcrastinationDay can help. There are lots of people sharing their stories and tips on how to overcome the urges, and it is always a good idea to get involved and know you are not alone.

When is it?
This year (2025)
September 6 Saturday
Next year (2026)
September 6 Sunday
Last year (2024)
September 6 Friday
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