Fishermen’s Holiday

Fishermen’s Holiday, also known as Fishermen’s Day, is a holiday observed annually on the first Friday in July. It is a day observed in the Marshall Islands that celebrates one of the most important jobs in this chain of volcanic islands. Since the archipelago was first populated, fishing has been one of the best ways to get food, and it remains to this day one of the most important economic activities performed.

Even so, this holiday has not been around for a long time and has only been observed for the past 40+ years. Nowadays, this holiday is a day for fishing competitions, eating plenty of fresh fish, and other activities.

The History of Fishermen’s Holiday in the Marshall Islands

This holiday can be traced back to 1981 when four friends founded the Marshalls Billfish Club. These four friends were Wally Milne, Tom Michaels, Ronnie Reimers, and Ramsey Reimers. They founded the club so they could be invited to the Hawaiian Invitational Billfish Tournament Championship that took place in Kona, Hawaii.

During their first tournament, they caught a 700+ pound marlin that was one of the biggest fish in the competition. Needless to say, they won the competition, and they then parlayed that success into creating their own tournament. Endorsed by the government of the Marshall Islands, the tournament was first held in July of 1982. It has since been an important competition, so important that it led to the creation of Fishermen’s Holiday.

Observing Fishermen’s Holiday in the Marshall Islands

On this holiday, several fishing tournaments are held, and people not only enjoy the sport of fishing but also the bounties they pull from the sea. People also take time to spend with friends and family members.

It’s a great day for seafood, the ocean, and enjoying some of the beautiful beaches of the Marshall Islands. The hashtag #FishermensHoliday can be used on social media to promote this fishing holiday.

Where is it celebrated?
Marshall Islands (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2025)
July 4 Friday
Next year (2026)
July 3 Friday
Last year (2024)
July 5 Friday