Forgive Mom & Dad Day

It’s inevitable that one day children will grow up and want to blame their parents for what they did or didn’t do. It’s not only understandable but also inevitable. Sometimes this blame is justified, and sometimes it’s not. No matter what the reason for it is, there eventually comes a point when an adult has to forgive their parents for their failings.

Not necessarily for their sake, but for their own. That’s because holding onto feelings of anger can be detrimental to a person’s mental and sometimes physical health. Those feelings just have to be dealt with before a person can enjoy a happy life. A holiday that reminds us all of that fact is Forgive Mom & Dad Day, observed annually on March 18th every year.

The History Of Forgive Mom & Dad Day

This holiday was created by as a day specifically designed to encourage people to forgive their parents. All too often, adults carry the hurt and pain of their childhood with them, and this colors everything they do in life. Although it’s important to seek help for truly profound childhood issues such as abuse, neglect, and abandonment, other slights can be resolved simply by employing a little bit of forgiveness.

Some Fast Facts About Forgiveness

Let’s go over a few facts that we learned about forgiveness that we would like to now share with everyone. Let’s check them out below.

  • Although forgiveness is important, people should be aware of the “Doormat Effect.”
  • People who practice forgiveness are happier and healthier.
  • If a person can’t show their partner forgiveness, then it can erode their relationship over time.
  • Strong emotions can prevent a person from finding forgiveness.

Observing Forgive Mom & Dad Day

This holiday can be observed simply by a person taking the time to forgive their parents. This is something that many people can do on their own, but as we said, people who have to deal with large amounts of trauma are going to need to be guided through the process by a qualified mental health professional. Everyone can also spread the word about this holiday using the hashtag #ForgiveMomAndDadDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
March 18 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
March 18 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
March 18 Monday
Relationships & Family