Friendship Month

September is a month that has been observed as Friendship Month for quite some time, and that means it’s the perfect month for people to build new friendships, tend to current friendships, or even revitalize a friendship that hasn’t officially ended but is in desperate need of some TLC.

These are some of the ways that we like to observe this month, and we believe them to be great ways to celebrate this holiday. How a person goes about celebrating their own version of this month is up to them, as long as they put forth the effort.

The History of Friendship Month

This holiday has been observed for centuries, although not many people would realize that. It was originally known as Oddfellows Friendship Month and was first celebrated over 200 years ago by the Oddfellows.

The Oddfellows are also known as The Grand United Order of Oddfellows Friendly Society, and it’s an international fraternity that was established in the 1730s in England. The purpose of this organization, as well as the holiday month they created, was to encourage people to make friends.

They believed friendship was a surefire way to cure loneliness, so they created this holiday. It has been observed ever since.

Observing Friendship Month

Regardless of whether a person knows this holiday as Friendship Month, Oddfellows Friendship Month, or International Friendship Month, this is the month for people to make new friends.

It’s also the month that people should use to maintain current friendships or to rehabilitate friendships that are beginning to fall apart due to distance or lack of communication.

Anyone and everyone taking the time to observe this holiday should also use the hashtag #FriendshipMonth to spread the word about this holiday through social media. Who knows, this might even connect people and lead to new friendships.

When is it?
This year (2025)
September 1 Monday
Next year (2026)
September 1 Tuesday
Last year (2024)
September 1 Sunday
Relationships & Family