Girl Scout Founder’s Day

Yes, it falls on the same date as another iconic day, but Girl Scout Founder’s Day is an important time for anyone who has donned that classic uniform. On October 31st, many celebrate this day as it is the same date as the founder, Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday. The Girl Scouts are part of the formative years for many around the world, so what is it about this important day?

History of Girl Scout Founder’s Day

It is easy to trace the origins of the Girl Scouts, and so we go back to March 12th, 1912. This is when Juliette Gordon Low organized the first meeting of the Girl Scout Troops. With only 18 girls present, they met in Savannah, Georgia, and the following meetings involved outdoor pursuits and projects, programs to better their skill set, and ways to give back.

From just 18 members over 100 years ago under the original name Girl Guides of America, the Girl Scouts now boast over 3 million. Low was born on October 31st, 1860, and founded the Girl Scouts with the help of the Scouts founder, Sir Robert Baden-Powell. She became the first president and was instrumental in the growth and structure of the organization until she died in 1927.

Their motto is ‘Be prepared,’ and their slogan is ‘Do a good turn daily.’ These humble sayings are synonymous with the group and what their morals stand for. Even the Girl Scout Law, which is memorized, has many lines that fit the stance of Low, what she stood for, and how she saw the Girl Scouts of the future. To be friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, are just two of the lines. It’s no wonder so many parents drop their girls off at Girl Scouts every week around the USA.

How To Observe Girl Scout Founder’s Day

The first thing to do is to read a little more about Juliette Gordon Low, her life, and what she achieved. If you have been part of the Girl Scouts in the past, sharing your memories can be a fun way to observe the day. Who knows, you may even inspire someone else. Why not catch up with some of your old Girl Scout friends? Share the memories on social media using the hashtag #GirlScoutFoundersDay and see what the response is.

There are also lots of activities related to Low and the Girl Scouts that you can do in honor of the day. Why not make a cake in the name of her birthday, or do a craft like making a beaded chain?

Another way to really get involved in the spirit of Girl Scouts is to do something bold and follow a dream. This was what Low was all about, empowering girls to know they can do anything, so why not show her that she was right too. This can be a small step of applying for a course you want to do, or just doing something daring you’ve always thought about doing.

Either way, there are many ways to observe this important day.

When is it?
This year (2025)
October 31 Friday
Next year (2026)
October 31 Saturday
Last year (2024)
October 31 Thursday
Culture & History