Hunt For Happiness Week

Celebrated during the third full week of January, Hunt for Happiness Week is a week-long celebration that encourages all of us to take a closer look at how we define happiness and what we can do to achieve long-lasting happiness in our lives. It might not be possible to be happy every second of every single day, but most of us can benefit by injecting a little bit more happiness into our lives.

Unfortunately, many people don’t know where to start on their road to increased happiness, and that’s why this holiday week is so important. It’s a time for everyone to seek out the information they need to improve their state of mind and enjoy greater happiness.

The History of Hunt for Happiness Week

This holiday was created in 2001 by the Society of Happy People. They have since used the holiday to encourage people across the country to seek out their own personal happiness. This holiday has also become popular over the past few years on the Internet as more people work towards their own self-fulfillment and happiness.

Observing Hunt for Happiness Week

For some people, this holiday might seem daunting, but we assure everyone reading about this holiday that it’s completely doable. First, you have to assess your current happiness level, and once that’s done, then you can work to increase your own personal happiness.

Another thing that you can do to increase personal happiness is to connect or reconnect with the people you love. It’s also a good idea to think about whether daily meditation is something that can help you on your journey towards personal peace and satisfaction.

It’s also important for people to schedule time in their daily life to pursue the things they enjoy — a hobby or activity that brings them satisfaction. Doing something you enjoy, even for only a few minutes a day, can increase your personal happiness.

When is it?
This year (2025)
January 19 Sunday
Next year (2026)
January 18 Sunday
Last year (2024)
January 21 Sunday
Health & Body, Lifestyle