Independence Day in Jordan

Observed annually on May 25th, Independence Day is a holiday in Jordan that marks the country’s independence in 1946. This was when British control of the area officially ended, and Jordan became its own kingdom. It is a holiday observed in the country in many different ways.

There are speeches given by civilian and military officials, as well as by politicians. There are also parades, award presentations, and cultural events held all over the country. People look forward to special religious events, a 21-gun salute in the capital city, and military parades. And, as is the case with most Independence Day celebrations held by other countries, there is also a fireworks display.

The History of Independence Day in Jordan

After World War I, there was the Great Arab Revolt that allowed the Hashemite Army to take over and secure the country. This revolt was led by Sharif Hussein of Mecca against the Ottoman Empire and was supported by both Britain and France.

The British government and Emir Abdullah entered into negotiations about independence, and the treaty was officially signed on March 22, 1946. The country officially became independent on May 25, 1946, and became known as The Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.

Sayyid Abdullah bin al-Hussein became the first monarch of the country. During the Arab-Israeli War, King Abdullah I took the title King of Jordan, and the name of the state was changed to The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1948.

Observing Independence Day in Jordan

This holiday begins with a 21-gun salute at Jordan’s capital and continues all day with speeches given by politicians, civil servants, and military leaders. There are also cultural events, parades, and special events held all day long. It’s also a day that concludes with a special fireworks display across the country.

Where is it celebrated?
Jordan (National holiday)
When is it?
This year (2025)
May 25 Sunday
Next year (2026)
May 25 Monday
Last year (2024)
May 25 Saturday