Independence Day in Venezuela

In Venezuela, Independence Day is a holiday observed annually on the 5th of July. Also known as Cinco de Julio or Día de Independencia, this national holiday commemorates the signing of the Venezuelan Declaration of Independence in 1811. It is a public holiday in Venezuela and one that is observed with a variety of festivities.

This day is not only a time when government offices and many businesses are closed, but it is also a day off for the general population. It is a day when people gather with their families to enjoy traditional dancing, music, and a lot of delicious food.

The History of Venezuelan Independence Day

On July 5, 1811, Venezuela declared its independence from Spain after hundreds of years of European colonization and high taxation rates. This first revolution would be suppressed by the Spanish; however, the drafting of the 1811 Declaration of Independence provided the country with a sense of nationalism and a desire for self-rule.

Venezuela would eventually achieve self-rule in 1821 under the leadership of Simón Bolívar. Nowadays, the original declaration of independence for Venezuela is housed at the Museo de la Casa de las Primeras Letras Simón Rodríguez in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela.

Observing Venezuelan Independence Day

This holiday is also observed as Armed Forces Day in Venezuela, so there are not only civilian parades on this day but also military ones. There are also concerts, festivals, cultural events, and plenty of food. On this day, people can enjoy arepas, pabellón criollo, cachitos, pasticho, and many other delicious Venezuelan foods. People also take time to spend the day with friends and family.

It is also customary for the Venezuelan flag to be raised on this day and for official ceremonies to take place beneath it. And, as is usually the case with any public holiday, there are plenty of speeches given by civic leaders and politicians.

Where is it celebrated?
Venezuela (National holiday)
When is it?
This year (2025)
July 5 Saturday
Next year (2026)
July 5 Sunday
Last year (2024)
July 5 Friday