Innergize Day

Life can be full-on, so when being on the go becomes too much, having a reason to stop and take a breath can be most welcome. That is why Innergize Day can be so beneficial. On September 24th, observe the day with a little relaxation and replenish that emptied tank. It comes after the autumnal equinox, marking the time when fall has arrived.

What Is National Innergize Day?

After the busy period that is summer, when the time comes to switch off a little and relax, it can be difficult to do so. So much of our lives are spent being busy that many do not know how to relax. The day itself was created by Michelle Porchia of Inner Dimensions company. She believes that we as people need to hibernate to renew, like Mother Nature.

This means disconnecting from technology for the day, taking time away from the time-sucks of the world, not checking emails, and so on. This is a time to refresh our minds.

Michelle Porchia intends to expand the principle, and it all starts with this one day in September. However, she is not done here. She aims to have people move to a day a month, then a day a week, then an hour a day where they take time for themselves and relax without the pull of technology.

Anyone who thinks they do not have the time to do something for themselves, no matter how big or small, should consider making this a bigger part of their lives. National Innergize Day is about disconnecting from distractions and concentrating on what you can do for yourself.

It is okay to take personal time, and some people believe they need to apologize for this; well, no more.

How To Observe National Innergize Day?

After finding the time commitment to dedicate to switching off, the next step is to find a relaxing activity. For the most part, a lot of these can be done in the comfort of home.

It can be as simple as relaxing with a good book, taking a bath, and leaving the phone in another room. Perhaps going for a quiet walk and keeping the phone in your pocket the whole time. Able to dedicate the entire day to yourself? Why not spend it in your pajamas, if you aren’t going anywhere, do as little as possible and relax.

Have a lie-in, listen to relaxing music, get a massage, and just switch off in general. Some people like to make a list of things they need to do, but this may be contradictory in that decluttering one’s mind is one of the main principles.

Anyone looking to spread the word can do so using the hashtag #NationalInnergizeDay. It can be good to do this in the evening to share stories about how others observed the day and spread awareness. It is always good to be mindful about how much time of this day is dedicated to being online, but helping to encourage others is always a positive thing.

When is it?
This year (2025)
September 24 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
September 24 Thursday
Last year (2024)
September 24 Tuesday
Activity & Action, Health & Body