International Condom Day

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, the 13th of February is observed as International Condom Day. This holiday serves as a reminder to everyone to be safe while having fun with their intimate partner. After all, nothing ruins the Valentine’s Day vibe more than an unexpected pregnancy or a venereal disease.

When used properly, condoms prevent approximately 98% of all pregnancies and also work very well to reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms aren’t perfect, but they are an inexpensive and surprisingly effective way for couples to protect themselves during intercourse. It’s for this reason that everyone can take the time to acknowledge the contributions of condoms to society.

The History of International Condom Day

This holiday was originally created by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) in 2009. The AHF chose the 13th of February precisely because it is the day before Valentine’s Day. Some of the themes that this organization has used to promote International Condom Day include “Always in Fashion” and “Safer is Sexy.”

Some Facts About Condoms

We’re not going to cover a holiday called International Condom Day without taking the time to learn everything we could about the star of it: the condom. Below are some of the facts that we learned over the course of our research. We hope that everyone finds these facts to be informative and maybe a little bit entertaining. With that said, let’s check them out right now.

  • Condoms make it 10,000 times less likely for a person to transmit HIV during sex.
  • There’s no legitimate medical reason why a person can’t use a condom.
  • For people who have latex allergies, there are latex-free condoms available.
  • 25% of all vaginal intercourse is protected by a condom in the U.S.
  • 93% of sexually active American women between the ages of 15 and 44 have had a partner who used a male condom.
  • The cost of condoms can be as low as a nickel per unit.
  • Only 39% of all American high school students are taught how to correctly use a condom in their health class.

Observing International Condom Day

The main purpose of this holiday is to encourage people to wear condoms while having sex with their partner, but there are also a variety of events that are held on this day. These include free HIV and STD testing, seminars, webinars, and donation drives for HIV/AIDS nonprofit organizations.

We encourage people to donate to the AHF, the International AIDS Society, or AIDS United on this day. We also encourage people to spread the word about this holiday using the hashtag #InternationalCondomDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
February 13 Thursday
Next year (2026)
February 13 Friday
Last year (2024)
February 13 Tuesday
Health & Body, Relationships & Family