International Scrapbooking Industry Day

International Scrapbooking Industry Day is a holiday observed annually on the 4th of March, celebrating the industry that has provided millions of people with the tools they need to preserve their memories. For anyone who might not be familiar with the hobby of scrapbooking, it is a method of presenting, arranging, and preserving personal and family history in the form of a box, card, or book.

This memorabilia can include printed media, artwork, and photographs arranged in albums. It is a way for people to capture and hold onto the special moments in their family history or their lives. And it is so important that it gets two holidays. This holiday celebrates the industry, and National Scrapbook Day—a holiday that celebrates the hobby itself.

The History Of International Scrapbooking Industry Day

Scrapbooking is a hobby that can be traced back to 16th-century England. This is when “Friendship Albums” began to appear. People would collect memorabilia from trips and expeditions from friends and family members and collect them in books.

Most of the time, these were illustrations or notes written by them. This continued until the early 20th century when a new invention would revolutionize scrapbooking forever. That invention was the camera. During the 1900s, the camera allowed people, mainly college-age women, to use photographs in their Friendship Books.

People would also collect playbills from theatrical productions and tickets from special events. By the mid-20th century, a whole industry had begun to rise around scrapbooking, and this hobby would continue to gain popularity over the years.

According to the Hobby & Craft Association, the scrapbook industry is now a $2.5 billion industry that has continued its growth over the past couple of years and is projected to do so well into the future.

While we were able to uncover the history of scrapbooking through the centuries, we, unfortunately, couldn’t do the same for this holiday. We simply couldn’t find out who invented this day or when it was invented. We’ll continue to search for this day’s origin, but at this moment, it doesn’t look like we’re going to find anything out about it.

Observing International Scrapbooking Industry Day

Although we believe this holiday was conceived as a day to be celebrated by the scrapbooking industry, that doesn’t mean everyone can’t celebrate it. People working in the industry can attend seminars and other special events, and people who enjoy this hobby can spend time working on their scrapbooks or spreading the love of their hobby with friends and family.

People can also spread the love of this hobby by using the hashtag #InternationalScrapbookingIndustryDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
March 4 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
March 4 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
March 4 Monday
Hobby & Creativity