International Walk To School Month

We have all probably heard the stories from our parents about how they had to walk 10 miles each way to school in the driving snow. Most of us have probably spent time hearing those stories while rolling our eyes. Even so, now people have a way to create their own stories that they can later annoy their own children with by telling them over and over.

They can do this by observing International Walk to School Month. During this observance, which just so happens to be in October, students are encouraged to walk back and forth to school. It not only gives them good exercise but also gives them the opportunity to create their own stories for future use.

The History of International Walk to School Month

In 2006, the first observance of International Walk to School Month took place. Although this was the beginning of the annual observance, it wasn’t the first time that people observed a period with a walk-to-school event. In the early 1990s, International Walk to School Week was observed in Great Britain. It appears that this holiday took its inspiration from that initial event.

Important Facts About Walking

We thought it would be appropriate to list some of the facts that we’ve learned about walking while researching International Walk to School Month. After all, walking is the main way that this month is observed. So, we gathered together as many facts as we could and listed them below for everyone’s edification. Let’s take a closer look at them, shall we?

  • Walking is by far the most popular type of exercise in the United States.
  • Walking an extra 20 minutes a day will burn an additional 7 pounds of body fat per year.
  • A typical pair of tennis shoes will last anywhere from 450 to 500 miles of walking.
  • The average human walking speed is approximately 3 miles per hour.
  • Walking 10,000 steps a day will help people lose weight and stay in shape.
  • Even walking as little as 6,000 steps a day can have a positive effect on a person’s health.
  • On average, waiters walk 23,000 steps a day, and nurses walk 16,000 steps a day at work.

Observing International Walk to School Month

Schools all over the world observe this month, so students just about anywhere can participate by walking to school. Students who attend schools that don’t participate in this event can take it upon themselves to organize their own events. People can also take the time to spread the word about this month using the hashtag #WalkToSchoolMonth.

When is it?
This year (2025)
October 1 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
October 1 Thursday
Last year (2024)
October 1 Tuesday
Activity & Action