International Whisk(e)y Day

International Whisk(e)y Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on March 27th. As a person could probably work out on their own, this is a day dedicated to whiskey. So why is this holiday spelled with an “e” in parentheses? It’s because this holiday doesn’t just celebrate one type of whiskey but celebrates all types of whiskeys.

Not only the Scottish, Canadian, and Japanese whiskies that are spelled without an “e” but also the Irish and American whiskeys that are spelled with an “e.” This is a day for people to enjoy the type of whiskey (or whisky) they enjoy.

The History Of International Whisk(e)y Day

This holiday was first observed in 2009 during the Whiskey Day Festival that took place in the Netherlands. It took place on the 27th of March to commemorate the birthday of Michael Jackson.

No, not the pop singer, but the British writer who had written a number of influential books about beer and whiskey. Pretty soon, other people began to hear about this holiday, and by 2011, it was observed by whiskey lovers all around the globe.

Some Cool Facts About Whiskey (Or Whiskies!)

Okay, we’re going to learn a little bit more about whisk(e)ys today. After learning of this holiday, we decided to do a tad bit of research and find out all that we could about whiskeys. So without further ado, let’s check out the following factoids.

  • Whiskey is made from the “wort.” This is the beer that gets distilled into whiskey.
  • The Macallan ‘M’ Whisky is the most expensive one in the world.
  • Whiskey comes from the Gaelic word “uisge beatha,” which translates as “water of life.” It would eventually be shortened to “uski” and then whisky.
  • Approximately 2% of whiskey evaporates from a barrel each year. This is called the “Angel’s Share.”
  • Over £135 of revenue is earned each second from Scotch Whisky.
  • Scottish whisky must be aged for 3 years.

Observing International Whisk(e)y Day

This is the holiday during which people can take the time to celebrate the whiskeys (or whiskies) that they love. This can be a Glenmorangie Signet, a Johnnie Walker Blue Label, or a Bowmore Islay whisky.

Or perhaps you would prefer Knappogue Castle 16-Year-Old, Jack Daniel’s, or Yamazaki 12-Year-Old Whiskey. No matter what variety you choose, just be sure to use the hashtag #InternationalWhiskeyDay to spread the news about it far and wide.

When is it?
This year (2025)
March 27 Thursday
Next year (2026)
March 27 Friday
Last year (2024)
March 27 Wednesday
Food & Drinks