International Yarn Bombing Day

International Yarn Bombing Day is a holiday observed annually on June 11th. This holiday is not very well-known outside of knitting and crocheting circles, but it is well-known among those who practice these hobbies. On this day, people come together to showcase their craft in both fun and unique ways.

For those who haven’t heard about yarn bombing, it’s essentially the practice of combining street art with knitting patterns and crocheting onto public structures such as statues, benches, or trees. In other words, the spray paint and chalk often used in many forms of street art, such as graffiti, are replaced in this art form with yarn and fiber.

The History of International Yarn Bombing Day

Many cultural historians believe that yarn bombing began in Texas around the end of the 1990s or the beginning of the 2000s. It is known that around 2002, artist Shannon Schollan famously began to create cozies for clear-cut trees in Oregon.

Since then, the practice of yarn bombing has continued to gain popularity each year. The holiday International Yarn Bombing Day was created in 2011 by a group of crocheters and knitters in Texas to celebrate the art of yarn bombing.

It was placed on the birthday of Magda Sayeg, a woman who is believed to have officially started the yarn bombing movement when she wrapped her boutique’s door handle with a custom-made cozy.

Observing International Yarn Bombing Day

Now that everyone reading about International Yarn Bombing Day is aware of the holiday, they can decide whether or not they want to observe it. Obviously, people who don’t knit or crochet are less likely to observe this holiday, but that doesn’t mean they can’t.

This is a good day to learn about knitting and crocheting and maybe work towards becoming a future yarn bomber. Those who are familiar with knitting and/or crocheting might want to take the time to observe this holiday and take it to its full potential.

This means that they can create their own yarn bombs, either for public structures or around their own home. It’s also a good day to learn about some of the more famous yarn bombings that have occurred over the year. And finally, people who truly love this holiday can help spread the word about it using the hashtag #InternationalYarnBombingDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
June 11 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
June 11 Thursday
Last year (2024)
June 11 Tuesday
Hobby & Creativity