Make Music Day

Make Music Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on June 21st and is celebrated around the world. We think the best way to describe this holiday is as a do-it-yourself music festival. It’s a day for people of every age and every level of musical experience to come together and have fun with music.

A person doesn’t have to be a professional musician or even have any musical experience to enjoy this holiday. All a person has to do to enjoy this holiday is to love music in whatever form they love it most. That’s all that’s required to observe this holiday, and that’s why this holiday has resonated with people for such a long time.

The History of Make Music Day

Also known as Fête de la Musique, this holiday began as an annual music celebration in France. The idea for this holiday was first proposed by French Minister of Culture Jack Lang in 1981, and the day was made into an actual holiday the following year. This holiday was placed on the Summer Solstice, which just so happens to be the longest day of the year.

The purpose of this decision was to welcome the arrival of summer while celebrating a love for music. The initial observance of this holiday was a tremendous success, with thousands of musicians performing on the streets.

The following year, the event began to spread to cities all across France and eventually to other countries. Now, Make Music Day is a holiday that’s observed all across North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. This holiday is a day for musicians of all skill levels to perform in public spaces.

This can be on street corners, in parks, at libraries or museums, or other public locations. The events observed on this day are free to the public, and everyone is encouraged to take part in these events. It doesn’t matter if a person is a professional musician or if they perform music only as a hobby.

Observing Make Music Day

Make Music Day can be observed by anyone and everyone. Musicians of all skill levels are encouraged to play their instruments in public, and those who don’t have any musical talent can use the day to watch musicians perform.

This is a good day for enjoying the first day of summer and doing it all while listening to music. Everyone who is going to take the time to observe this holiday should also use the hashtag #MakeMusicDay to spread the word about it far and wide.

When is it?
This year (2025)
June 21 Saturday
Next year (2026)
June 21 Sunday
Last year (2024)
June 21 Friday
Art & Entertainment