
Most people think of the first month on the Gregorian calendar as January, but an increasing number of people refer to it as Manuary. This is a month during which men grow beards to spread awareness about head and neck cancers and to support those affected by these cancers.

This campaign is similar to Movember, where men grow mustaches to raise awareness about testicular, prostate, and other cancers that predominantly affect men. During this month, individuals sponsor men who grow beards and find other creative ways to raise money for cancer research and support. Therefore, everyone should put away their razors and grow a beard during this month.

The History of Manuary

Manuary began in 2010, not only as a challenge for men to grow wild and fantastic beards but also to raise money for the treatment and eventual cure of head and neck cancers.

It would eventually become a nationwide, and then an international campaign to raise awareness. The popularity of this holiday month is partly due to the internet and the use of the hashtag #Manuary on social media.

Some Important Facts About Oral, Neck, and Head Cancers

Manuary focuses on raising awareness about cancers that affect the head and neck. After conducting research and applying a significant amount of effort, we uncovered the following facts, which we hope will be useful to anyone wishing to observe this holiday.

  • Every year, over 550,000 new cases of oral, head, and neck cancers are diagnosed worldwide.
  • Men are affected by these cancers approximately twice as often as women.
  • In the U.S., around 10,000 new cases of oral, neck, and head cancers are attributed to a strain of the human papillomavirus (HPV).
  • Although Caucasians are more likely to develop head and neck cancer, African Americans are more likely to die from it.

Observing Manuary

The most straightforward way to observe this holiday month is by growing out a beard. We understand that many people may not want to or be able to grow a beard. In those cases, they can sponsor someone who is growing a beard for neck and head cancer research.

People can also donate money to these causes or simply spread the word about this month and its significance. If we all contribute a little, we can raise the much-needed research funds that can go toward finding a cure or helping those afflicted with these cancers.

When is it?
This year (2025)
January 1 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
January 1 Thursday
Last year (2024)
January 1 Monday
Health & Body