National American Red Cross Founder’s Day

National American Red Cross Founder’s Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on May 21st and commemorates the founding of the organization. This organization was originally founded by Clara Barton in 1881, and she would become the first president of the American Red Cross.

She continued to lead the organization through the end of the 19th century and into the beginning of the 20th century. Over the years, the American Red Cross has responded to disasters and provided assistance to those in need.

They not only handle domestic disaster relief but also provide community services for the needy, help military members and their families communicate with one another, and collect, process, and distribute blood and blood products.

Some Amazing Facts About The American Red Cross

When people think about the American Red Cross, they think of disaster relief and blood drives, but actually, this organization provides many more services than those two. To illustrate the important work they’re doing, we’ve listed some amazing facts about the American Red Cross that we’ve learned while researching this holiday.

  • Volunteers receive comprehensive training through health and outreach programs such as babysitting training, CPR, swimming safety, and more.
  • British nurse Florence Nightingale was originally against the Red Cross because she felt it relieved the government of its responsibility to its citizens.
  • During WWI, the American Red Cross grew exponentially.
  • The American Red Cross has won more Nobel Peace Prizes than any other organization.

Observing National American Red Cross Founder’s Day

We feel that the best way to observe this holiday is to take the time to donate your time and/or money to the organization so that they can fulfill their humanitarian duties. People can also take the time to learn more about this organization by studying its history and by visiting their website to learn more about their mission. To spread the word about this holiday, feel free to use the hashtag #AmericanRedCrossFoundersDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
May 21 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
May 21 Thursday
Last year (2024)
May 21 Tuesday
Appreciation & Honor