National Apple Betty Day

For anyone who hasn’t had a traditional American dessert known as Apple Betty or Apple Brown Betty, let us tell you that you’re missing out. This dessert is made very much in the same way as an apple crisp would be made, but its topping is made from flour, brown sugar, and butter, while the apple crisp typically also contains oats.

This is a dish that’s so good, someone has decided to give it its own holiday. A holiday that’s known as National Apple Betty Day and is observed on the 5th of October every year.

The History of National Apple Betty Day

Okay, we really don’t know who invented this holiday. It just seems to be one of those holidays that spontaneously popped up on the Internet one day, and people started celebrating it. Although our research failed to find out the origins of this holiday, we were able to come up with the origins of the dessert itself.

The Apple Betty is a dish that can be traced back to colonial America. During this time, Americans began using apples for making a variety of dishes, from cider to apple pies, so it’s only natural that someone would come up with another apple-themed dessert.

The first appearance of this dessert appeared in 1864, and this recipe was made simply with sweet apples, bread crumbs, and various spices. A few years later, in 1877, a recipe for this dessert was printed that used cracker crumbs and applesauce.

Exciting Apple Trivia

If you thought you knew everything there was to know about apples, you may be quite surprised while reading this section.

  • The crabapple is the only apple that’s native to North America.
  • Apples are actually members of the rose family.
  • The top producers of apples in the world are the U.S., China, Turkey, Italy, and Poland.
  • A peck of apples weighs approximately 10-1/2 pounds.
  • A bushel of apples weighs around 42 pounds.
  • Humans have been eating apples for at least 6,500 years, if not longer.
  • Approximately 66% of an apple’s fibers and nutrients are found in the peel of the apple.
  • A bushel of apples will yield approximately 22 quarts of applesauce.
  • In 2020, around 5.13 million tons of apples were produced in the U.S.
  • In 2020, China produced approximately 41 million metric tons of apples.
  • The most widely grown apple variety in the U.S. is the Red Delicious.
  • Apples ripen six times faster at room temperature than they do in the refrigerator.

Observing National Apple Betty Day

National Apple Betty Day can be observed simply by buying or making an Apple Betty. These desserts are easy to make but are quite tasty, so why not give them a try? While enjoying this holiday, be sure to use the hashtag #NationalAppleBettyDay with a picture of your Apple Betty to let the world know that you’re enjoying this holiday.

When is it?
This year (2025)
October 5 Sunday
Next year (2026)
October 5 Monday
Last year (2024)
October 5 Saturday
Food & Drinks