National Asparagus Month

Asparagus is not a vegetable that everyone appreciates. Some people love it, and some people hate it. Regardless of what a person thinks of it, however, one thing is evident: asparagus is very good for you. Just one cup of this vegetable delivers 2.2 grams of protein, 12% of a person’s RDI of Vitamin C, and 18% of a person’s RDI of Vitamin A.

It’s also packed full of fiber and delivers a whopping 57% of a person’s RDI of Vitamin K. And probably best of all, that same cup of asparagus has only about 20 calories. That makes it an ideal side item or even cooked up as a mid-day snack. Its nutritional value is one of the reasons why May is observed as National Asparagus Month.

The History of Asparagus & National Asparagus Month

Humans have been eating asparagus for a very long time. How long? Well, historians have traced it back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, so it’s been around for over 5,000 years. They likely adopted this veggie from the Persians, who called it “asparag,” a word that means sprout.

In the Western world, this vegetable was often called “sparagus” by the wealthy and “sparrow grass” by peasants. In the mid-17th century, European settlers brought asparagus with them to North America. It was grown by both English and Dutch immigrants to the New World.

Asparagus grew well in America’s climate, so it was widely grown by farmers all over the continent. Its popularity continued to grow through the years, and by the mid-1980s, it had reached the height of its popularity. This is when National Asparagus Month was created—a month that’s been observed every year ever since.

Although asparagus is grown all over the U.S., the top three states for asparagus production are California, Michigan, and Washington. Currently, the U.S. produces about 25,000 acres of asparagus, which has a value of approximately $100 million.

Quick Facts About Asparagus

Ready for some quick asparagus facts? If you are, then check out the following tidbits about asparagus that we have gathered together and carefully prepared.

  • Asparagus is full of antioxidants and improves digestive health.
  • Studies have shown that asparagus can help to lower a person’s blood pressure.
  • It can take three years for asparagus to go from seeds to full harvest.
  • China produces the most asparagus in the world, producing over 57,000 hectares of it annually.

Observing National Asparagus Month

The best way of observing National Asparagus Month—at least in our estimation—is to enjoy asparagus. This can be the regular asparagus that can be found at the local supermarket, or it can be the more unusual white or purple asparagus varieties.

This veggie is tasty roasted or grilled and goes well with pasta, steak, and seafood. We also recommend that everyone spread the word about this month using the hashtag #NationalAsparagusMonth on social media to spread the word about it far and wide.

When is it?
This year (2025)
May 1 Thursday
Next year (2026)
May 1 Friday
Last year (2024)
May 1 Wednesday
Food & Drinks