National Caffeine Awareness Month

March is known as National Caffeine Awareness Month. It was created to raise public awareness about the potential negative effects of consuming too much caffeine in one’s diet. Although caffeine is a stimulant that offers its share of benefits, it can also be harmful to a person’s health if consumed in excess.

Unfortunately, avoiding caffeine isn’t always as easy as just avoiding coffee. Caffeine is often found in sodas, chocolate, cocoa, energy drinks, and tea. That’s why it’s important for people wishing to limit their caffeine intake to not just cut down on coffee but also be aware of the ingredients in the foods they eat.

The History of National Caffeine Awareness Month

This month was first created in 2003 by the Caffeine Awareness Alliance. The mission of this organization and the purpose of this month is to provide consumers with evidence-based information and advice that serves to reduce the economic, medical, and social harm caused by caffeine abuse and addiction.

Since the creation of this month, more and more Americans are reevaluating the foods and drinks they consume so that they can reduce the amount of caffeine they consume.

Some Interesting Facts About Caffeine

When this month was first introduced, many people thought of caffeine as something that was harmful. However, the last 20 years have shown that consuming caffeine in moderation can actually be healthy. Below are some facts that confirm that a little bit of coffee is actually good for you.

  • It takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 60 minutes for caffeine to reach its peak levels in a person’s blood.
  • Half of the caffeine in a person’s blood is eliminated within 5 hours, but the other half can linger for up to 14 hours.
  • When consumed in moderation, caffeine can increase concentration and alertness, and also increase a person’s lifespan.
  • Caffeine may also help stave off Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, although the studies that suggest this aren’t conclusive yet.
  • Caffeine increases calcium levels inside a person’s muscles, which can help improve athletic ability by up to 3%.

Observing National Caffeine Awareness Month

People can observe this month by taking the time to learn more about caffeine and the amount they consume on a daily basis. This means not only focusing on the negative impacts of caffeine on your health when used in excess but also on the health benefits of it when consumed in moderation. It’s also customary to use the hashtag #CaffeineAwarenessMonth on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
March 1 Saturday
Next year (2026)
March 1 Sunday
Last year (2024)
March 1 Friday
Food & Drinks, Health & Body