National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day

National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on April 21st. It’s a day when people are encouraged to enjoy one of the tastiest chocolate and nut combinations to ever become a snack.

Although chocolate-covered almonds have been around since the mid-18th century, and chocolate-covered peanuts hit the snack scene in the 1920s, it wouldn’t be until much later that people would discover the joys of chocolate-covered cashews. While we’re unsure of exactly how long these chocolate-covered nuts have been around, we do know they’ve been around long enough for this fantastic holiday to be created.

Interesting Facts About Cashews

Below are some interesting facts about cashews that we uncovered during our research.

  • Cashew trees are native to northeastern Brazil.
  • Portuguese sailors transported cashew trees to India during the 16th century.
  • The United States consumes approximately 90% of the world’s cashew production.
  • Cashew trees grow best in sandy soils.
  • Cashews are used to make a variety of industrial products, including brake liners and paint.
  • Cashews are usually green before the nuts are roasted.
  • In 2010, Nigeria was the top producer of cashew nuts.
  • Cashews belong to the same family of plants as sumac and poison ivy.
  • November 23rd is National Cashew Day.

Observing National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day

We think that this holiday is easy enough to celebrate. Just go buy some chocolate-covered cashews and enjoy them by yourself or with friends and family members. Hey, you can even give out chocolate-covered cashews as gifts on this day. It’s your choice.

While you’re celebrating this holiday, be sure to use the hashtag #NationalChocolateCoveredCashewsDay to spread the word about this holiday to anyone who might not be familiar with it.

When is it?
This year (2025)
April 21 Monday
Next year (2026)
April 21 Tuesday
Last year (2024)
April 21 Sunday
Food & Drinks