National Common Courtesy Day

National Common Courtesy Day is a holiday that falls on the 21st of March every year and is designed to remind people of the importance of common courtesy. Courtesy is what prevents civilization from falling into chaos. That alone is a good reason for everyone to observe this holiday and to encourage their friends and family to do the same. Perhaps this holiday is the excuse people need to show respect to their fellow citizens and perhaps polish up their manners a bit to do their part in making the world a more civilized place to live.

The History of National Common Courtesy Day

Unfortunately, the history of this holiday is unclear, and our research couldn’t uncover who started it or when it was started. All we could discover is that it dates back to around the turn of the 21st century—sometime around 2002 or 2003.

Interesting Facts About Etiquette

As we delved into the history of National Common Courtesy Day and the history of manners, we came across some interesting information about etiquette. Here are some interesting facts that we would like to share with everyone reading this right now.

Cutting Salad Is No Longer an Etiquette Faux Pas

It was believed that it is improper to cut your salad leaves with your knife because this has been a practice for hundreds of years. However, that was only a practice because the vinegar in salad dressings would ruin pewter knives. Now that most knives are stainless steel, people can feel free to cut up their salads.

Women Can Propose, Too

For a long time, it was believed that only men could propose marriage to a woman and that it couldn’t be done the other way around. This was due to a myth that the couple would only have a happy life if the man proposed. Now that we all know that’s nonsense, women can feel free to propose if they wish.

Don’t Be a No-Show When You RSVP

Something that happens far too often nowadays is people RSVP for an event and fail to show up. That’s not only rude but also potentially costly for the host of the party or event. Therefore, it’s important to only RSVP if you intend on attending.

Observing National Common Courtesy Day

Observing this holiday is not only easy but also immensely gratifying for all involved. It requires you to show some common courtesy throughout the day to your fellow human beings. This includes not only your friends and family but also strangers, such as the bank teller at your local bank or the cashier at your local grocery store. A little bit of courtesy can go a long way and has the side effect of making everyone feel better. And while you’re celebrating this holiday, be sure to post on social media that you’re observing it using the hashtag #NationalCommonCourtesyDay.

When is it?
This year (2025)
March 21 Friday
Next year (2026)
March 21 Saturday
Last year (2024)
March 21 Thursday
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