National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day

We’re all about those fish-themed days, which is why National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day on February 18th is a winner in our eyes. Add a little seasoning, and you have what some may describe as the perfect dinner. Although this is unlikely a day that will see schools shut, it is still fun to find out more about how it came about. So allow us to divulge…

What is National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day?

This day celebrates a dish consisting of crab meat mixed with seasonings, breadcrumbs, and creamy butter, which is then spread inside a whole flounder. Flounder, a common flatfish in American waters, is easy to obtain, as is crab. While not every crab species is edible, varieties such as blue crab, stone crab, rock crab, Dungeness crab, and others are both edible and extremely popular.

Along the Gulf and the East Coast is where you are most likely to find a restaurant serving this delight. Although the origins of the day are unclear, seafood enthusiasts will be delighted to see the combination of two delicious meals combined.

How To Observe National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day?

The easiest way to observe National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day is to get involved and cook your own. The recipe is simple and easy to find online. The combination of crab meat with the stuffing mix we mentioned is easy to obtain and simple to make at home.

Why not check out the hashtag #NationalCrabStuffedFlounderDay and see how other people around the world are observing the day? Invite family and friends over to share the meal and cook up a storm; you could even grill it in the backyard.

Food-related days of the year are always a good opportunity to support local businesses. When it comes to National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day, you might find it difficult to source, but chances are there will be a restaurant in your town that has it ready to go.

When is it?
This year (2025)
February 18 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
February 18 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
February 18 Sunday
Food & Drinks