National Day in Sri lanka

National Day is a holiday observed annually in Sri Lanka on February 4th. Also known as Sri Lankan Independence Day, this day commemorates the country’s independence from Great Britain in 1948. Throughout the country, this holiday is celebrated with official ceremonies, colorful parades, and dances.

People also raise the Sri Lankan flag on the front of their homes, and the flag is hoisted at state-sponsored events. In Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, the President raises the Sri Lankan flag and delivers a speech. This flag-raising ceremony and speech are televised across the country.

The History of National Day in Sri Lanka

After Sri Lanka gained its independence from Britain in 1948, D.S. Senanayake became the first Prime Minister of the country. This holiday has been celebrated in an official capacity ever since Sri Lankan independence.

Interesting Facts About Sri Lanka

In celebration of National Day, we’ve listed some facts about Sri Lanka that many people will enjoy learning about.

  • Sri Lanka is nicknamed the “teardrop of India.”
  • It covers an area of 25,332 square miles.
  • Sri Lanka is home to 227 different species of birds, over 180 species of reptiles, and more than 123 species of mammals.
  • Tea is an important export of the country.
  • Sri Lanka is known for being the leading exporter of cinnamon in the world.
  • The flag of Sri Lanka is one of the oldest in the world and dates back to 162 BC.

Observing National Day in Sri Lanka

This holiday is celebrated with music, dance celebrations, and speeches by politicians across the country. It is also a day when people enjoy meals with friends and family members, including dishes with legumes, fruits, and tea. Additionally, people can enjoy the many parades that take place across Sri Lanka on this day.

Where is it celebrated?
Sri Lanka (Public holiday)
When is it?
This year (2025)
February 4 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
February 4 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
February 4 Sunday