National Draw A Dinosaur Day

Even though dinosaurs have been extinct for over 65 million years, they still captivate the imaginations of children and adults alike. If you don’t believe us, then all you have to do is show someone a picture of a Tyrannosaurus Rex or a Velociraptor and see how quickly a smile spreads across their face.

Dinosaurs also make great subjects that people love to draw, which brings us to the holiday National Draw a Dinosaur Day. On this holiday, adults and children alike can try their hand at drawing their favorite dinosaurs. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

The History of National Draw a Dinosaur Day

During an anthropology class in 2007, a student named Todd Page decided to draw a dinosaur to relieve his boredom. He felt it was a great way for a person to entertain themselves, so he encouraged his classmates to do the same.

He then registered the holiday on January 30th as National Draw a Dinosaur Day and began to promote it through social media. It has since been a holiday enjoyed by people all across North America.

Interesting Facts About Dinosaurs

We can’t complete a holiday article without taking some time to talk about the subject of the holiday, can we? That’s why we’ve decided to list some facts that we’ve learned about dinosaurs and place them in an easy-to-read list. Let’s look at them now.

  • Dinosaurs are believed to have existed at least 230 million years ago, if not longer.
  • All birds are descendants of dinosaurs.
  • Charles Dickens included a Megalosaurus in his novel “Bleak House.”
  • Almost a thousand different species of dinosaurs roamed the Earth at one time or another.
  • Some dinosaurs were covered in feathers.
  • The smartest dinosaurs were all carnivores.

Observing National Draw a Dinosaur Day

To observe this holiday, people are going to need a couple of things first. They will have to grab some pencils, crayons, or pens, and then they’re going to need some paper. Once they have those items gathered together, they can take the time to draw their favorite dinosaurs.

Will they stick with the classics like a T-Rex, Velociraptor, or Brontosaurus, or will they choose another type of dinosaur such as an Allosaurus or Gallimimus? No matter what dinosaur a person chooses to draw, they should make sure to let the world know about it using the hashtag #DrawADinosaurDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
January 30 Thursday
Next year (2026)
January 30 Friday
Last year (2024)
January 30 Tuesday
Fun & Joy, Hobby & Creativity