National Dwarfism Awareness Month

Simply stated, dwarfism is short stature that results from a medical or genetic condition. It is defined as an adult height of under 4 feet 11 inches. The average adult with dwarfism is approximately 4 feet tall. Even though an estimated 30,000 people in the U.S. are born with some type of dwarfism, there are still a variety of myths that surround this condition.

To help dispel some of these myths and to raise positive awareness about dwarfism, National Dwarfism Awareness Month was created. It is observed in October and is designed to not only put dwarfism in a positive light but also to raise awareness about it. It has also been used recently to raise research money for organizations and charities related to dwarfism causes.

The History of National Dwarfism Awareness Month

This month was initially created in 2011 by the Little People of America. This organization created this month to promote positive stories. Every year, a campaign attempts to raise awareness about dwarfism and dispel the myths surrounding it. It is also a time when people who have dwarfism can be celebrated and their stories shared with the world.

Some Facts About Dwarfism

To kick off National Dwarfism Awareness Month, we’ve decided to list some of the facts about dwarfism that we learned over the course of our research. We feel the following facts are a good starting point for people interested in learning more about dwarfism. So let’s dig into the following facts before discussing how this month is observed.

  • Approximately 8 out of 10 little people are born to average-size parents.
  • There are dozens of conditions that can cause dwarfism.
  • There are an estimated 652,000+ people with dwarfism in the world.
  • There are 300+ different types of dwarfism known to medical science.
  • Dwarfism can occur in people of all ethnicities and races.
  • Many people who have dwarfism live long, productive lives.
  • People who have dwarfism are typically of average intelligence.
  • Dwarfism can be divided into two broad categories: disproportionate dwarfism and proportionate dwarfism.
  • Most cases of dwarfism also have co-occurring medical conditions.
  • Dwarfism is considered a disability by the Americans with Disabilities Act, but many people with dwarfism would say otherwise.

Observing National Dwarfism Awareness Month

During this month, everyone is encouraged to spread the word about this month using the hashtag #DwarfismAwarenessMonth. People can also observe this month by hosting an event, sharing their stories, or learning more about dwarfism.

When is it?
This year (2025)
October 1 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
October 1 Thursday
Last year (2024)
October 1 Tuesday
Awareness & Cause, Health & Body