National Farm Animals Day

America has a huge livestock population. This population includes 6 million sheep, 70 million hogs, 94 million cows, 250 million turkeys, and 9 billion chickens. And far too many of these animals aren’t treated in a humane manner. They’re locked in cages without enough room, they’re not given access to fresh air and exercise, and they’re given harmful hormones and antibiotics.

It’s also something that’s largely kept out of the public’s eye. Before people can change how slaughter animals are treated, however, they first have to know about it, and that’s where National Farm Animals Day comes in.

This holiday is observed annually on April 10th, and its purpose is to promote the welfare of America’s livestock population. After all, people can’t make changes in the livestock industry if they don’t know about the problem in the first place.

The History Of National Farm Animals Day

This holiday was created in 2005 by Colleen Paige. Colleen was a celebrity pet lifestyle expert, author, and animal rescuer who has created a number of different holidays over the years.

Some of the holidays she created include National Dog Day, National Horse Protection Day, and National Mutt Day. She created National Farm Animals Day to raise attention to the plight of American livestock.

Interesting Facts About Farm Animals

We’ve uncovered some facts about farm animals that we’d like to share with everyone reading about National Farm Animals Day. Hopefully, the following bullet points will prove amusing to anyone who reads them.

  • A baby lamb can identify her mother by the bleating sound she makes.
  • According to most historians, goats were the first animals to be domesticated.
  • The T-Rex is a distant relative of the chicken.
  • A group of pigs is known as a sounder.
  • Cows can sense an approaching storm and will lie down before it approaches.
  • Pigs don’t have sweat glands. That’s why they roll in the mud. It helps them to stay cool.
  • Male ducks are called drakes, and female ducks are known as hens.
  • Male sheep are rams, female sheep are ewes, and baby sheep are known as lambs.
  • Cows can remember as far back as 3 years.

Observing National Farm Animals Day

The best way for anyone to observe this holiday is to take the time to learn about farm production and how livestock is treated.

Once you’ve done that, you can find out ways that you can advocate for better farm animal treatment. You can spread the word about this holiday by using the hashtag #NationalFarmAnimalsDay.

When is it?
This year (2025)
April 10 Thursday
Next year (2026)
April 10 Friday
Last year (2024)
April 10 Wednesday