National Ferret Day

Ferrets are animals that people either love and think are cute and furry, or hate and believe they’re nothing more than a glorified weasel. For those who adore these little creatures, National Ferret Day might be a day they will want to observe on April 2nd. For those who don’t particularly like these animals, perhaps it’s better for them to observe some other holiday on this day, such as National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day.

The History of National Ferret Day

National Ferret Day is a holiday that was created by Carol Roche of New York sometime between 2011 and 2014. She decided to found the day because she had just bought a new ferret and discovered that they were surprisingly affectionate, independent, and playful pets. Several years later, her enthusiasm for her ferret would be immortalized when National Ferret Day became an officially recognized holiday in 2014.

Amazing Facts About Ferrets

Now that we know what this holiday celebrates and when it was first established, it’s time to turn our attention back to the animals that make this day what it is. Although people have many misconceptions about ferrets, these animals are some of the most amazing animals a person could own as a pet. Anyone who doesn’t believe us can simply take a look at the following amazing facts about ferrets to find out the truth.

  • Although some people think ferrets are rodents, they’re actually members of the weasel family.
  • Other members of the weasel family include ermines, polecats, and stoats.
  • Ferrets were domesticated over 2,500 years ago to hunt rabbits and rodents.
  • From the mid-19th century to the 1940s, ferrets were used in the American West to protect grain stores from rodents.
  • A ferret’s heart can beat anywhere from 200 to 250 beats per minute.
  • An average ferret will live approximately 8 years.
  • Ferrets are most active at dusk and dawn.
  • Ferrets can be trained to use a litter box.
  • Ferrets often express joy by doing a dance that’s been affectionately termed the “Ferret War Dance.”
  • Ferrets can catch influenza from humans, but they can’t catch a common cold.

Observing National Ferret Day

National Ferret Day can be observed in several different ways. The most obvious way to observe this day is for a person to go and look at ferrets at their local pet store or buy one as a pet. If a person does decide on a ferret for a pet, they should ensure that they’re up to the challenge of taking care of these special animals and not do it on a whim. Another way to celebrate this holiday is by creating ferret-based art or by using the hashtag #NationalFerretDay on all of their social media accounts.

When is it?
This year (2025)
April 2 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
April 2 Thursday
Last year (2024)
April 2 Tuesday