National Fresh Celery Month

What few people realize is that there are several months dedicated to celery observed in the U.S. The first one is celebrated in March and is known as National Celery Month. The second one is celebrated in April and is known as National Fresh Celery Month.

It’s the latter that we’re going to discuss in this article. This month celebrates a marshland plant that belongs to the Apiaceae family and has been cultivated since the beginning of agriculture.

It’s a low-calorie vegetable composed mostly of water but also provides a lot of fiber and antioxidants. Anyone who’s a fan of this veggie will probably want to celebrate this month.

The History of National Fresh Celery Month

Who makes all these celery holidays and holiday months? We’re not quite sure, but we’ll keep investigating to see if we can find out. Until we do, however, we think that everyone should just assume that this month was created by someone who’s a big fan of this veggie.

Some Amazing Fresh Celery Facts

We’ve already covered some celery facts in another celery-related holiday, but we decided to do a bit more research and dig up some more facts about this veggie. The following facts are the ones that we think everyone will appreciate.

  • Celery is not a negative-calorie food. That means it doesn’t actually burn more calories to digest than it contains. That’s been a long-time myth.
  • Celery is believed to have been cultivated from smallage — Mediterranean wild celery.
  • There was celery-flavored Jell-O in the 1960s.
  • Celery is mentioned in the Iliad. It’s the wild plant that the horses of the Myrmidon grazed upon.
  • Approximately 95% of celery is water.
  • Celery is full of Vitamin K. In fact, it provides about a third of a person’s recommended intake of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin K is necessary for helping wounds heal, blood clotting, and keeping bones healthy.

Observing National Fresh Celery Month

This month is the perfect time to enjoy celery. This can be done by adding cut celery to soups, stews, and other dishes. It can also be enjoyed with peanut butter and raisins — a snack whimsically known as ants on a log.

Celery can also be used in mixed drinks as a garnish or incorporated into salads. We encourage everyone observing this month to let us know how they’re incorporating celery into their daily diet by using the hashtag #NationalFreshCeleryMonth.

When is it?
This year (2025)
April 1 Tuesday
Next year (2026)
April 1 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
April 1 Monday
Food & Drinks