National Fruit At Work Day

We have to say that we’ve been appalled by what some people eat for lunch while they’re working. We’ve seen people scarf down doughnuts and coffee, eat just a bag of chips they retrieved from the vending machine, or even just a candy bar. Where is the nutritional value in any of those lunches?

The truth of the matter is that eating those foods is worse than eating nothing at all for lunch. That’s why someone came up with the idea of making the first Tuesday in October National Fruit at Work Day. It’s a day for people to reexamine what they have for lunch and introduce some fruit into their diet at the same time.

The History of National Fruit at Work Day

Although we hadn’t heard about this holiday until it came across our desk, this holiday has been around since 2000. It was created by FruitGuys — a company that sells fruit to companies all across the country. And they do it while supporting sustainable small farms.

Interesting Facts About Fruit

Below are some interesting facts about fruit that we would like to share with everyone, particularly those resistant to celebrating National Fruit at Work Day and taking fruit to work for lunch.

  • Fruits and vegetables lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and help people maintain a healthy weight.
  • Fruits have been shown to lower the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, and Stroke.
  • Tomatoes and avocados are also fruits, even though some people don’t realize it.
  • Peaches and apples are members of the rose family.
  • Raspberries are also members of the rose family.
  • A banana is a berry, but strawberries aren’t actually berries.
  • Florida oranges tend to have a more yellow tint than California oranges.
  • The most expensive fruit in the world is the Japanese Yubari cantaloupe.
  • Grapefruit can cause some medicines to be absorbed more quickly, which can cause serious problems — including death.
  • Cucumbers are also classified as fruits, as are pumpkins.
  • Almonds aren’t nuts; they belong to the peach family.

Observing National Fruit at Work Day

It’s easy for just about anyone to observe National Fruit at Work Day. After all, fruit is one of the most portable foods that a person can carry. Apples, peaches, pears, strawberries, and cherries don’t take up a whole lot of space and can be carried in a lunch bag, briefcase, or even a coat pocket.

It’s also a good day for people to encourage others to eat more fruits by using the hashtag #NationalFruitAtWorkDay on social media.

When is it?
This year (2025)
October 4 Saturday
Next year (2026)
October 4 Sunday
Last year (2024)
October 4 Friday
Health & Body, Work & Occupation