National Homeless Persons Remembrance Day

National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day is a holiday observed on the first day of winter each year to remember homeless people who have died during the previous year. It’s also a day to remember not how those people died but to remember how they lived their lives.

Although the homeless face challenges all year round, the winter months pose a particularly dangerous period for them. It becomes harder for homeless people to find shelter during the winter months—often with tragic consequences. That’s why it’s important for everyone to observe this holiday and raise awareness about the challenges that the homeless face.

The History of National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day

This holiday was originally founded in 1990 by the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council. It was created to bring the public’s attention to the challenges faced by the homeless population of the United States and to encourage people to do something to help the homeless.

Facts About Homelessness in the U.S.

Below are some horrifying facts about homelessness in the United States. By highlighting these facts, we hope that we can motivate people to stand up for the homeless and do what’s right for them.

  • The U.S. homeless population could fill five football stadiums.
  • Every year, 2.5 million children face homelessness.
  • One in every 30 children in the U.S. faces homelessness.
  • More than half of homeless veterans have a physical or mental disability.
  • Homelessness can reduce a person’s life expectancy by up to 30 years.
  • According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, over 57,000 veterans are homeless every night.
  • Anyone can become homeless.

Observing National Homeless Persons’ Remembrance Day

On this day, all across the U.S., organizations determine how many homeless have died the previous year and then hold services for them. These services include candlelight vigils, wreath-laying ceremonies, religious services, and marches.

Organizations also bring to the public’s attention how many homeless die each year so the public can be proactive and help protect the homeless who are still alive and struggling.

When is it?
This year (2025)
December 21 Sunday
Next year (2026)
December 21 Monday
Last year (2024)
December 21 Saturday
Awareness & Cause