National Hydration Day

Celebrated during the first week of summer on June 23rd every year, National Hydration Day is a holiday designed to help people understand the importance of keeping themselves properly hydrated—especially when it’s hot outdoors. Since the human body is approximately 60% water, staying properly hydrated prevents a wide variety of health problems, including kidney and urinary tract issues, seizures, and even hypovolemic shock. Therefore, everyone should ensure they get enough water during the day, regardless of whether they’re celebrating this holiday.

The History of National Hydration Day

This holiday was created in 2016 in honor of Victor Hawkins—a football coach who invented FuelGard. FuelGard is a mouthguard that uses slow-release electrolyte tablets to help combat athletes’ dehydration and allow them to remain on the field longer. This device replenishes lost electrolytes that are lost while the athlete is sweating.

Facts About Hydration

Since we believe that everyone should understand hydration and how much water the human body needs over the course of a day, we thought we’d list some facts about hydration that could give our readers a better understanding of their bodies.

  • Depending on activity levels, a person can lose several pints to several gallons of water through urination alone.
  • Although the human body is approximately 60% water, the human brain is about 95% water.
  • Human lungs are 90% water—which is more than the 83% of water in our blood.
  • Bones are composed of approximately 22% water.

Myths About Hydration

Unfortunately, there are just as many myths about hydration circulating the Internet as there are facts, so we decided to take it upon ourselves to try to sort fact from fiction. Below are some of the most insidious myths that continue to be circulated about hydration.

Myth: People need 8 glasses of water a day.
Truth: People need different amounts of water depending on their climate, physical activity, clothing worn, and their medical conditions.

Myth: It’s impossible to drink too much water.
Truth: Overhydration is rare, but it can happen. Drinking too much water too quickly can lower electrolyte levels, leading to confusion or even seizures and death.

Myth: We can’t meet our water needs from food.
Truth: About 80% of a person’s water needs are met by drinking beverages, but the other 20% is obtained from the water found in fruits and vegetables.

Celebrating National Hydration Day

National Hydration Day is an excellent opportunity to learn more about hydration and dehydration and to implement those findings into your daily life. Everyone wants to ensure that they hydrate properly and don’t overdo or underdo it. And while you’re celebrating this holiday, be sure to use the hashtag #NationalHydrationDay to spread the word about how proper hydration can lead to a healthier life.

When is it?
This year (2025)
June 23 Monday
Next year (2026)
June 23 Tuesday
Last year (2024)
June 23 Sunday
Health & Body