National I Am In Control Day

Every year on March 30th, people can take the time to celebrate National I Am In Control Day. What is this holiday about? It’s a day when people are encouraged to take control of their lives.

It’s a holiday that started after an assassination attempt on a U.S. President but has since grown into a day when people assess the situation around them and take control of their lives. It’s also a good day for people to take control of their health by starting a new exercise regimen or diet, or by visiting their doctor.

The History Of National I Am In Control Day

The origins of this holiday can be traced back to the attempted assassination of U.S. President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. The President had just suffered a wound in the attack, and then-Secretary of State Alexander Haig proclaimed that he was in control here. Although this phrase was part of a larger proclamation that attempted to instill confidence in the American people, it was taken out of context. This would eventually create such an uproar that he had to resign.

While Alexander Haig’s statement and the resulting backlash are now long forgotten, this holiday has persisted through all these years—in a more positive context now. It’s a day when people are encouraged to take control of their lives and move forward in a confident manner.

Observing I Am In Control Day

The best way to observe this holiday is to declare that you’re in control of your life and then act on it. Do something that you wouldn’t ordinarily do or take a chance on something you’ve always wanted to do. While you’re exerting control over your life, be sure to use the hashtag #IamInControlDay to assert your independence online.

When is it?
This year (2025)
March 30 Sunday
Next year (2026)
March 30 Monday
Last year (2024)
March 30 Saturday
Activity & Action