National Moth Week

Even though many people view moths simply as ugly butterflies, the truth of the matter is that they are remarkable creatures that are worth taking seriously. Sure, there are some moths that are agricultural pests, but not all of them are.

Many of them are important pollinators that are very important for our supply of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. They are also an important food source for many species, including birds.

And that’s why we feel it’s important for everyone to observe National Moth Week. This week, which occurs during the last full week of July, shows appreciation for these oft-misunderstood winged insects.

The History of National Moth Week

This week was first established in 2012 by the East Brunswick Environmental Commission. They created this week to encourage people to learn more about moths and their contributions to the world. They also wanted people to learn about the different types of moths so they can easily identify them in their gardens or backyards.

Some Amazing Facts About Moths

Okay, let’s go over some of the amazing facts about moths that we’ve uncovered during our research on this very interesting subject.

  • Moths outnumber butterflies by a factor of 9 to 1.
  • Many moths are nocturnal.
  • The Luna moth only lives for about a week as an adult.
  • Not all moths eat, and some of them aren’t even born with mouths.

Observing National Moth Week

Observing National Moth Week is probably the simplest thing anyone is ever going to do. All a person has to do is learn more about these magnificent creatures. This can be done by researching them online, by visiting the local library and picking up a book that covers moths, or by talking to an expert in the field. People interested in moths can also use the hashtag #NationalMothWeek to spread the word about this holiday among the denizens of the internet.

When is it?
This year (2025)
July 19 Saturday
Next year (2026)
July 18 Saturday
Last year (2024)
July 20 Saturday