National PTSD Awareness Day

PTSD stands for “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,” and it’s a condition that affects millions of people all over the world. This condition can strike anyone who has suffered through a traumatic event and can create feelings of anxiety and mental distress.

National PTSD Awareness Day is a day that was created to raise the profile of this disorder, help dispel some of the myths associated with it, and encourage people suffering from it to seek treatment. Working together, we can all obtain a better understanding of the effects PTSD has on people and how to provide better care for them.

The History of National PTSD Awareness Day

This holiday was first established by the U.S. Senate in 2010. This occurred after Senator Kent Conrad suggested establishing this holiday as a day of awareness to pay tribute to U.S. Army Staff Sgt.

Joel Biel of the National Guard. In April of 2007, Staff Sgt. Biel took his life after returning from his second tour of duty in the Iraq War. It was determined that he had been suffering from PTSD before he took his life. Since his birthday was on June 27th, that date was chosen for this holiday.

Facts About PTSD

Below are some facts about PTSD that highlight the effects that PTSD has on people’s lives and the importance of people seeking treatment when they’re suffering from it.

PTSD Affects 8 Million Americans

It’s been estimated that approximately 3.5% of the U.S. adult population suffers from PTSD. This means that over 8 million Americans suffer from this disorder. Of those 8 million, almost 3 million people have severe symptoms—that’s approximately 37% of all cases.

Women Are More Likely To Be Affected Over Their Lifetime

Although both men and women can be afflicted with PTSD, women are more likely than men to develop it after traumatic events. According to research, approximately 4% of men and 10% of women will develop PTSD at some point in their lives.

Children Can Also Have PTSD

Unfortunately, a common myth is that children don’t suffer from PTSD from trauma, and that’s simply untrue. Although PTSD may not be diagnosed until adulthood, children can and do suffer from it. Approximately 15% of girls who are traumatized and approximately 6% of traumatized boys will develop PTSD.

Not Everyone With PTSD Will Experience Flashbacks

Even though flashbacks are one of the symptoms of PTSD, it’s just one of many symptoms, and many people who have PTSD don’t have any flashbacks at all.

Observing National PTSD Awareness Day

People can use this holiday to educate themselves about PTSD or reach out to someone they know who suffers from this condition. The National Institute of Mental Health is a great resource for people wanting to learn more about PTSD. It’s also a good day for people to spread awareness about PTSD by using the hashtag #NationalPTSDAwarenessDay on their social media accounts.

When is it?
This year (2025)
June 27 Friday
Next year (2026)
June 27 Saturday
Last year (2024)
June 27 Thursday
Awareness & Cause, Health & Body