National Quiet Day

National Quiet Day is a holiday that’s observed annually on the second Wednesday in September and celebrates the healing balm of solitude and silence that allows people to find peace, reconcile their emotions, and think over important matters. The world is so full of noise and this noise can have a devastating effect on a person’s emotional and mental health.

There’s the constant chatter found on radios and televisions, noise projecting from our computers, tablets, and phones, and the noise of traffic, human industry, and ultimately, civilization. Sometimes we all need a reprieve from this riotous cacophony, and this holiday provides the relief we need.

The History Of National Quiet Day

According to our sources, National Quiet Day is a holiday that was invented by the UK Noise Association in 2017. The original purpose of this holiday was to raise the public’s awareness about the negative impact of noise pollution on our quality of life and on our emotional and physical health.

It’s been observed every year since and has even jumped borders to be observed in other countries as well. We suppose that it should now be called International Quiet Day, but hey, that’s only our opinion.

Observing National Quiet Day

There are several ways to observe National Quiet Day. One, a person can try to live their life so that they don’t contribute to the problem of noise pollution. Two, they can take a break from it all and find a nice quiet place to sit with their thoughts and just relax.

It’s really up to them. While they’re being quiet, they can take the time to spread the word about this holiday as well. That can be done by telling friends and family members about it or by using the hashtag #NationalQuietDay on social media. Just make sure to do it quietly, will ya?

When is it?
This year (2025)
September 10 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
September 9 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
September 11 Wednesday
Awareness & Cause, Lifestyle