National Raisin And Spice Bar Day

If we’re being 100% honest, we can’t say that we had heard about National Raisin and Spice Day before we came across this holiday to write about it. In fact, we can’t say that we’re all that familiar with raisin and spice bars, period.

Evidently, this dessert is a popular one for people to make and enjoy. Now that we’ve investigated the recipe for this dessert, we do have to say that it sounds delicious. So, we’re not only going to start baking this dessert regularly for friends and family, but we might even start celebrating this holiday every April 5th.

Interesting Facts About Raisins

Since this holiday features a dessert where raisins are front and center, we thought it would be fun to go over some facts about raisins. Below is everything we know about raisins and would like to now share with everyone on this holiday.

  • The California Raisins were introduced in 1984.
  • Ancient Greek and Roman physicians would prescribe raisins as medicine for mushroom poisoning.
  • A favorite feast of Emperor Augustus was small birds cooked and stuffed with raisins.
  • It requires approximately 4 tons of grapes to make 1 ton of raisins.
  • Raisins were often awarded by Ancient Greeks as rewards for winning sporting events.
  • When Hannibal crossed the Alps, it’s reported that his troops had raisins in their rations.

Observing National Raisin And Spice Day

If you look on the Internet, you’re likely to find about 101+ recipes for raisin and spice bars. Some of them are iced, others are not. Some of them use only raisins and spices as their main ingredients, while others add oats, walnuts, chopped pecans, or chocolate chips to them.

Which of these recipes you choose will depend on your personal tastes, so just choose a recipe you think your family is going to like and serve it up on this holiday. Also, be sure to share a picture of your creation on social media using the hashtag #NationalRaisinAndSpiceDay on your social media accounts.

When is it?
This year (2025)
April 5 Saturday
Next year (2026)
April 5 Sunday
Last year (2024)
April 5 Friday
Food & Drinks