National Receptionists Day

National Receptionist Day is a holiday observed annually on the second Wednesday in May. As most people would probably surmise from the holiday’s title, it is a day for people to appreciate the receptionists who help businesses operate effectively.

The average receptionist has a wide variety of responsibilities to perform daily. These can include scheduling appointments, managing appointments, making and receiving phone calls, greeting visitors, arranging couriers, and filing.

Of course, that is only a simplified list of the many tasks that receptionists regularly perform, and they are not always paid what they deserve. That is why we take the time to commemorate their efforts on this day each year.

The History of National Receptionist Day

This holiday was created and first observed in 1991 by the Director of the National Receptionists Association. It was established to raise public awareness about the role of receptionists in the corporate environment and the importance of the job they perform.

It was also seen as a holiday that allowed receptionists to network with one another and provide each other with support.

Some Important Facts About Receptionists

Although many people who work in the corporate world pass by receptionists all day long, we doubt many of them know much about them. Sure, most executives can theorize the importance of the work that receptionists do, but they are not all that familiar with everything they do.

So, to help more people understand the jobs that receptionists perform, we thought we would take a few moments to list some of the facts we have learned while researching National Receptionist Day.

  • In 2021, the median hourly wage for a receptionist was only $14.40.
  • The employment of receptionists is expected to remain steady from 2023 to 2033.
  • Receptionists need to have good communication, multitasking, and social skills.
  • Many receptionists are also required to have technical skills and be active problem solvers.
  • Most receptionist positions require only a high school diploma, but some positions might require a college degree.

Observing National Receptionist Day

This holiday can be observed simply by acknowledging the receptionist a person sees every day when they walk into the office and giving them the appreciation they deserve. It is that simple.

Employers can also use this holiday to do something nice for their receptionists. This can be something as simple as giving them a card or flowers, or giving them a raise or some additional sick or holiday pay. And, as usual, people can spread the word about this holiday by using the hashtag #NationalReceptionistDay online.

When is it?
This year (2025)
May 14 Wednesday
Next year (2026)
May 13 Wednesday
Last year (2024)
May 8 Wednesday
Work & Occupation