National Sardines Day

Sardines are fish that tend to divide people. You’re either a fan of these small little fish and enjoy frying them, adding them to pizza, or using them in fish tacos, or you’re someone who hates them with the very core of their being. If you’re not a fan of this fish, then you probably won’t want to celebrate National Sardines Day on November 24th.

However, for people who do enjoy this fish, this can be the perfect holiday to indulge in them. It doesn’t matter if you enjoy smoked sardines, pickled sardines, or sardines that are canned and packed in oil, mustard sauce, or tomato sauce.

Tasty Facts About Sardines

Are you hankering for some tasty sardine facts? We know you are, and that’s why we’ve decided to include some below. We think everyone reading this will appreciate learning the following facts while they celebrate this holiday.

  • Sardines range in length from 6 inches to 12 inches.
  • Sardines get their name from the Mediterranean island of Sardinia.
  • Sardines are a good source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Some of the types of sardines commonly eaten include Spanish, California, and Brisling sardines.
  • Sardines are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Observing National Sardines Day

If you enjoy sardines, then all you have to do on this day is take a moment to prepare some sardines. Pile them up on crackers, add them to your favorite salad, or toss them into some pasta. You can even make a sardine sandwich if that’s what you like.

While you’re observing this holiday, be sure to use the hashtag #NationalSardinesDay on your social media accounts to let us and the rest of the world know how you’re enjoying them.

When is it?
This year (2025)
November 24 Monday
Next year (2026)
November 24 Tuesday
Last year (2024)
November 24 Sunday
Food & Drinks